Endometriosis Makes Women More Frequent Alternating Pissing. Why?
Endometriosis Makes Women More Frequent Alternating Pissing. Why? Endometriosis is a condition of thickening of the uterine wall tissue that makes menstruation feel very very painful and irregular. But apparently, there is one more symptom of endometriosis which is often underestimated because it is considered natural. In some women, endometriosis can cause them to urinate more often - especially during menstruation. I wonder why? Frequent urination can be a symptom of endometriosis Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue that is supposed to grow in the womb grows outside. When menstruating, the lining of the endometrium in the uterine wall should be shed and come out as menstrual blood. But in the case of endometriosis, the blood is actually trapped and cannot come out because it is outside the uterus. As a result, this causes irritation and inflammation of the female reproductive organs. That's why most women will experience unbearable menstrual pain. It should be noted that